Friday, September 16, 2011

our 5th wedding anniversary

it's hard to believe that we have been married 5 years already!  and boy has it been one fabulous ride so far.  the traditional 5th year wedding anniversary gift is wood.  and we happen to be oh-so-practical and buying a new bed.  or are we saucy?  maybe both?

here's a look back:

we met in college back in 2001
backpacked through europe for 6 months
rode many mountains
got hitched
rented our first teeny tiny 1-bedroom apartment
bought a house
bought a business
had a baby
kept said baby alive and well for 1 year so far
sold {almost} our first house
bought {almost} our second house

it has been many laughs, tears, ups, downs.  
i have learned so much about myself, about relationships, about compromise, and about trust.
most importantly, there has been so much love.

you are my best friend.  thank you for walking through this life with me.
i love you.


  1. you guys are such little tweens in the first pic! is that the day after mike got carded at a rated r movie? probs.

    also, he's got short hair in quinn's 1 pic. i like it mike. would like it more with matching baby legs.


  2. Happy Anniversary! To my favorite couple and the most amazing friends a girl could ever have. Your love is a true inspiration and Quinn is one lucky child to be brought into your lives. I look forward to watching many more anniversaries pass and your family grow. XOXO Rach.

    P.S. I love the last pic. Who is your photographer? Damn she is
