Thursday, September 1, 2011

dear quinn

i just bought some balloons today for your birthday.  i can't believe you are almost one.  the time has flown by so fast.  i can't imagine my heart could even get any bigger because it is just filled with love for you.  you are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me.  you have taught me to be a kinder, more gentle, and more patient person.  you make me smile and laugh all day long.  your strong will and joyfulness amaze me.  i love watching you awaken each day so excited to learn new things and to see the world.  you are so sweet and i know you have a soft heart.  you will go so far in this life.  i love being your mama.  thank you for choosing us little man.


  1. and i LOVE being his auntie!!!!!! and godmother!!

    wish i could be there for the celebration :( but my present will be!
