Tuesday, January 31, 2012

it's been a long couple of days

i worked friday and sunday and we were busy!
if you were pregnant and lived within 20 miles of the hospital, chances are you came in to see us on one of those two days.
saturday i made dinner for my mom and dad to celebrate my mom's 64th birthday.  crock pot chicken pot pie with puff pastry on top, leffe beer, wine, chocolate cake, and then whiskey for the men (yuck).  
monday i relaxed and caught up on some errands.
here is me doing just that...unwinding....
and catching up on some skin refreshening.


  1. looking hot.

    post the crockpot chix pot pie recipe. was it good? easy?

  2. i think there's something liberating about putting photos of yourself up from the bathroom... or it's just me. : )
    yay for unwinding...

  3. i absolutely love this! hope you get to relax some more!

    love, rach.
