Saturday, December 11, 2010

team quinn!

don't know what we would do without these two ladies here...
i start back at work on wednesday with a heavy heart.  though i truly love being a labor and delivery nurse, i am just dreading leaving quinn.  a friend told me "the cartoon baby is quite different from the real one" and she was so right.  i had visions of bouncing right back into my professional role and now i am not so sure...
the decision to go back to work was a no-brainer.  BENEFITS, BENEFITS, BENEFITS!  but then my heart, on the other hand, said BABY, BABY, BABY!  NURSING BABY!  how do i go to work three days a week and leave quinn in the care of a stranger, though capable and loving and willing.  i just couldn't do it.  do i burden my nearby sister with childcare?  she, who has her own high-spirited almost-3-year-old?  those are long days...12 hour shifts are no joke.
mamie and gran to the rescue!
we huddled up and discussed the options.  i would return to nights instead of days (if the job would allow) and they would step in and overlap when both mike and i are at work (at night and in the morning!)  what a blessing!  what bliss!  what a dream come true!  fortunately they are both retired, both in some serious love with quinn, and both so selfless that they are willing, and dare i say excited, to be such a huge help to us and to spend some quality time with the new grandson.  and how special that quinn gets not one, but two grandmoms to dote on him?!?!
so it is with a somewhat lighter heart that i go forth on wednesday and tackle returning to work for 12 long hours without my baby.  i know he is in wonderful hands with his papa (who as we speak is nestled with him in bed) and with his mamie and his gran.  but please keep me in your prayers on wednesday...i'm gonna need a little comfort.  


  1. oh sister, this made me tear a little - i will be on skype for lots of cyber hugs for you as you head off to work. but gosh that boy will be with the next best thing besides his mom and dad (and aunt bridget) - can't beat g-moms!!

  2. i know...i cried today while snuggling with quinn. of course, he was smiling and cooing the whole time...but still. he is blissfully unaware and i like that! thank God for grandmoms.
